Did Pete Johnson Make an Honest Mistake?

Did Pete Johnson Make an Honest Mistake?
Pepper Johnson

Did Pete Johnson Make an Honest Mistake?

Another day and another former Ohio State player is making the wrong kind of headlines. This week former Bengal and Ohio State Fullback Pete "Pepper" Johnson was sentenced to community service for writing a bad check. Johnson paid the claimant in full before the case went to trial and the judge sentenced him to community service instead of jail time.

Anyone Can Make a Mistake

    Johnson used the check to purchase a Dodge Ram Pick-up. Johnson Claims that he thought he had enough money to cover the check in his account and this really could happen to anyone. Who knows he may have just written a check from the wrong account or forgot to make his deposit.

Something Fishy

    On the other hand, if he made a simple mistake he would have had an opportunity to correct it before he was taken to court. Your average person will call and try to get another check or another means of payment when your check bounces. They don’t run out and hire an attorney.

    The fact that this went to trial and the Judge decided that Johnson needed to do community service after he repaid the debt leads me to believe that Johnson was guilty in this case. Hopefully he learned his lesson.


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