Indiana's season can only be described as a close one at this time. About 75 percent of their games have been close call situations in which they won by 10 points or less. The last game that they had against Michigan state was such a game.
The Ohio State v Indiana game had a similar fate as the rest of them. Ohio state should have credit for not backing down in fear in the midst of difficult challenges.
Ohio State beat Michigan by three points in the first game that they had with Urban Meyer as the coach. Indiana had scored a whopping 22 points when the game first started, but Ohio State still came back and regained their winning crown.
Indiana's coach Kevin Wilson, had quite a bit to say about Urban Meyer and his team of players. He praised Meyers coaching skills and his dedicated staff members. He said that the entire team was quite talented.
Indiana's defense needed some work, but it now looks like it can be a force to be reckoned with in the upcoming year.
Richard Lagow has the utmost level of faith the team will perform wonderful acts and win many games in the upcoming season.
They are going to try their best to bust the long streak of 20 games they won. They feel as though they may be able to give them a run for their money.
The team says that it will continue to practice and prepare for the battle.
Ohio State at Indiana - Football Highlights