How to Train Like a Professional Basketball Player

How to Train Like a Professional Basketball Player

Professional Basketball Player

Training like a professional basketball player can be a very grueling experience. While professional basketball is very similar to college basketball, there is more pressure on professional basketball players. To be a good professional basketball player, one needs to be a good athlete. This does not necessarily mean being the strongest, fastest, highest jumping player. However, this means that you must be very agile, very mobile, have good endurance and have good hand-eye coordination. The following are some training techniques that are used by professional basketball players.


The objective of strength training for basketball is to improve your game. To have the maximum impact on your game, strength training should be aimed at developing explosive power. This calls for something more refined than lifting heavy weights alone. Following a specific strength training program will improve your speed and acceleration around the court, your range of passes and shots, and your explosive power – especially in your vertical jump.

There are different types of strength training for basketball.

Absolute or Maximal strength

Absolute strength refers to the maximum force that a person can exert in a single contraction. For instance, a player who can bench press 250lbs has greater absolute strength compared to another player who can only bench press 200lbs. As a basketball player, it is very important that part of your strength program is devoted to developing maximal strength.

Muscular Power

Power is a combination of speed of movement and absolute strength. A very effective type of power training is called jump training or plyomerics. This combines elements of both strength and speed in single movement patterns. But you should have a solid strength base before moving to these types of sessions.

Muscular Endurance

Your ability to perform high intensity movements repeatedly without fatigue is an indication of your muscular endurance. Improving your muscular endurance will enhance your ability to jump severally with minimal loss in power.


Flexibility training is one of the most undervalued components of conditioning. Flexibility of the body’s joints and muscles plays an essential part in many athletic movements. It enhances performance and reduces the risk of injury. For instance, tight neck muscles may limit how far you can turn your head. If your head is forced beyond the normal range of movement, it will place strain on the neck tendons and muscles. A more flexible athlete is more mobile. Flexibility allows improved movement around the court with greater dexterity and ease. Other   

Muscle tightness, which increases the risk of muscle tears, can be reduced before competing or training with dynamic stretching.

There are different types of flexibility and stretching

Dynamic Flexibility

This refers to the ability to execute dynamic movements in the full range of joint motion. Common examples include kicking an imaginary ball or twisting from side to side.

Static Active Flexibility

This is the ability to using the tension in the agonist muscle to stretch an antagonist muscle. An example is lifting one leg in front of you as high as possible. The hamstring is being stretched while the hip flexors and quadriceps are holding the leg up.

Static Passive Flexibility

This refers to the ability to stretch out using body weight or any other external force. Using the preceding example, this could be stretching your leg out in front and resting it on a chair.


Basketball agility drills will enhance your speed around the court, coordination, quickness, and most vitally your ability to change direction fast with minimal deceleration. Excellent basketball players are able to rapidly switch between forward, backward, vertical and lateral movements. Basketball agility drills include:

  • Super Shuttle
  • Weave In Weave Out
  • Shuttle with Passes
  • Box Drill

Incorporating these basketball agility drills within a speed training program could have a great impact on your game. 


With the right training, you can improve your vertical jump performance considerably. The following are strength training programs which can improve vertical jump performance.

Traditional Weight Training

This method involves exercises such as lunges, squats, toe raises and leg presses. The principal fitness element of vertical jumping is power. Power is basically a combination of speed and strength. A weight training which enhances your maximal strength can improve enhance your power and increase vertical jump ability. For beginners in strength training, traditional weight training offers a highly effective, safe and accessible way of increasing vertical jump power.

Plyomeric Training

Plyomerics is a method commonly used to increase vertical jump power. It bridges the gap between speed and strength.

Combining Plyomeric Training with Weight Training  

Studies have shown that a plyomeric program running alongside a weight training program can produce optimum results.


Mark has been blogging about athletics for 4 years.  He currently does consulting work as a free budget planner and helps people find online health insurance. 

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