Close Win By Ohio State Buckeyes
A hands on approach with the Ohio State defense is what Urban Meyer chooses to do now that they have struggled in consecutive games. After almost collapsing following the encounter with Indiana, the spread offense pro jumps into a series of D meetings. Later, Urban Meyer said that it was a painful experience watching the end of Saturday's game pitting Indiana against Ohio State Buckeyes.
It felt almost as if Buckeyes had lost the match. This is because the Hoosiers had scored a field goal and made about 4 touchdowns towards the end of the late Saturday night match. This had the net effect to shrink the deficit to 52 points against 49 points compared to the initial 52 points to 34 points.
Meyer went on to proclaim that after recovering from this onslaught, it was more of a relief when the game ended rather than a joy in victory of the other team. So Meyer and his teammates responded to the outcome of this match by training with the defensive coaches and players this week. The presence of Meyers in this training session was described by others as a big deal.
Meyer replaced Luke Fickell, who is currently the defensive coordinator, as the head coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes team at the beginning of the season. Luke was happy with Meyer taking a big part in the work the team was doing in order to accomplish its goals for the season.
The Ohio State defense managed to rise to the occasion at practice this week, thanks to the prowess of the coaching team as well as the dedication of the players and the entire team. They hope to have a better outing this weekend when they match up against Purdue at home.